People Have an Irrational Need to Complete 'Sets' of Things. 01-05
People are irrationally motivated to complete arbitrary sets of tasks, donations, or purchases—and organizations can take advantage of that, according to new research by Kate Barasz, Leslie John,...
View ArticleCellular division strategy shared across all domains of life 01-07
Archaea, bacteria, and eukarya use the same mechanism to maintain size...SEAS researchers have found that these pink-hued archaea — called Halobacterium salinarum — use the same mechanisms to maintain...
View ArticleHow Diversity Powers Team Performance 01-07
The topic of workplace diversity has vexed businesses and employees for decades. Increasing diversity has long been promoted as the right thing to do, but that notion could be viewed as simplistic and...
View ArticleWhy Working From Home Is a “Future-looking Technology” 01-07
Working from home gets a bad rap. Google the phrase and examine the results — you’ll see scams or low-level jobs, followed by links calling out “legitimate” virtual jobs.But Stanford Graduate School of...
View ArticleWorld Economic Forum Award for Shah Rukh Khan 01-11
Shyam's insights :If I say, I am excited, it will be an understatement.....If I say, I am ecstatic, it will still be an understatement.....If I proudly say, India has become Incredible Again, probably...
View ArticleGlobalization in the Age of Trump 01-18
Business leaders are scrambling to adjust to a world few imagined possible just a year ago. The myth of a borderless world has come crashing down. Traditional pillars of open markets—the United States...
View ArticleHow Customer Service Can Turn Angry Customers into Loyal Ones 01-18
Good customer service seems like common sense for businesses. But how valuable is it really?Until now, this has not been rigorously quantified across different companies. Businesses are understandably...
View ArticleCracking Tumor Defiance 01-18
Why does immunotherapy achieve dramatic results in some cancer patients but fail in others? Scientists have elucidated the mechanism behind some tumor's ability to escape immunotherapy drugs. Image:...
View ArticleThe Countries Where People Say The News Is Reported Accurately [Infographic]...
A divide in attitudes towards the news media has been exacerbated by the growing phenomenon of fake news, particularly its impact on political discourse, current events and innocent individuals. Amid...
View ArticleDarwin’s theory wrong, nobody saw ape turning into man: Minister Satyapal...
Darwin’s theory wrong, nobody saw ape turning into man......... Minister Satyapal Singh. Union minister Satyapal Singh said Darwin’s theory needs to change in school and college curriculum.This great...
View ArticleWhat Makes Work Meaningful — Or Meaningless 01-23
Meaningful work is something we all want. The psychiatrist Viktor Frankl famously described how the innate human quest for meaning is so strong that, even in the direst circumstances, people seek out...
View ArticleForming Stronger Bonds with People at Work 01-23
Connecting with others is at the heart of human nature. Recent research emphasizes that the power of connections can help us be creative, resilient, even live longer. But we can easily overlook the...
View ArticleThe Troublemakers 01-23
When students act out, why do we seek out flaws in their character? Shouldn't we instead search for the flaws in our schools and our teaching, holding us, the adults, primarily responsible? When...
View ArticleThe Healing Power of Stem Cells 01-24
What Are Stem Cells?View enlarged imageThey are cells that maintain a state of “open-mindedness” thoughout the life of the individual from fetal life senescence, to enable them to participate in...
View ArticleAn AI Bot Named Einstein Critiques Salesforce Execs Every Week 01-29
Imagine going to a staff meeting and being second-guessed by Einstein. Well, that’s what happens at Salesforce—sort of.Chief executive Marc Benioff told Davos attendees on Thursday that, at a senior...
View ArticleWearable IoT Neuroflow for treating the PTSD patients. 01-29
A Veteran EntrepreneurIf you can lead soldiers into battle, you can cold call 140 investors.Neuroflow founder Chris Molaro, WG’17, is a veteran, and he’s seen the effects of PTSD. As he reminds us, “20...
View ArticleFlip the Switch 01-29
Changes in fat metabolism may promote prostate cancer metastasis...Prostate tumors tend to be what scientists call “indolent”—so slow-growing and self-contained that many affected men die with prostate...
View ArticleHow to Build an Employee Experience That Rivals Your Customer Experience 01-29
The marketing landscape is evolving rapidly. Hardly breaking news. There are new companies and products constantly popping up that enable more efficient and effective work across all channels. The...
View ArticleComputational astrophysics team uncloaks magnetic fields of cosmic events 01-31
The development of ultra-intense lasers delivering the same power as the entire U.S. power grid has enabled the study of cosmic phenomena such as supernovae and black holes in earthbound laboratories....
View Articlerobocop Ford is developing a robot police car 01-31
robocop Ford is developing a robot police car to catch speeding drivers and slap them with fines. The car giant has been issued with a patent for the artificial intelligence tech that will catch...
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